Autumn Meeting of OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
Andorra la Vella, 3-5 October 2017
- Registration Form
- General Information
- Draft programme ENG
- Draft programme FR
- Draft programme RUS
- Mediterranean Forum Agenda (FR)
- Mediterranean Forum Agenda (RUS)
- Mediterranean Forum Agenda (EN)
- Report of the Secretary General of OSCE-PA
- Mr. Roberto Montella
- Draft programme CAT
- Climate change; a global phenomenon, for a local action. The case of Andorra
- Ministeri de Medi Ambient, Agricultura i Sostenibilitat
- Report by Ilkka Kanerva, OSCE PA Special Representative on Mediation, 4 Oct. 2017
- Climate change and security in the OSCE context
- Mr. Ralf Ernst
- Addressing Cybersecurity
- Mr. César Marquina Pérez de la Cruz, Chief Security Officer, Andorra Telecom
- OSCE Parliamentary Assembly 16th Autumn Meeting Andorra 3-5 October 2017